Will a picture spoil it??


Hey girls, I've been on glow for a few years but this is is my first time posting so I'm not sure what I'm doing. Anyways.... My husband and I are currently ttc (6 months) and we've been in a bit of a funk lately, not fighting or anything, on the contrary we've been emotionally better that ever! He just works weird shifts right now so sexy times has taken a hit 😭😭. Anyways I was wondering if you all had some tips to help me get him in the mood after a long day? I have some new lingerie I've never worn for him and I was thinking of taking a sexy picture in it and sending it to him at work but I wonder if that would spoil it a bit for when I do wear it for him? Also our 2nd wedding anniversary is in a few weeks and I was debating on saving it all together for then? Thoughts/tips??

P.S. I'm ovulating today so I'm hoping to get some tonight.