Husband vent

Celine 🐷 • 💙💙💙

This is really hard for me to post but I have to let it out:

This is the second time my husband and I get in a horrible argument that has led to being physical, I cannot take it anymore I have no one to tell this too. I'm 5 weeks post partum and has a csection and he has thrown me to the floor 3 times, two today, once last week. I'm not saying I'm an angel and don't do anything but there are limits, I say really hurtful things to him but there's just a lot of shit going on in my head right now and I want to seek help and get on meds.

Basically what happened today was if he could drive me somewhere bc I can't drive yet ( doc said) and he just kept taking forever to finish what he was doing knowing that the kids have to go to bed, he started laughing at me bc he saw how angry I got, so I got up and shoved him and that's when he grabbed me and pushed me to the floor, I also took a picture of how hard he pushed on my neck, I don't want to leave him bc of my kids, but if I didn't have any of my kids I'd be gone idk what to do I feel lost and full of so much hatred.