My Birth Story ๐Ÿ’™

My original due date was September 2nd, 2017, but baby Giancarlo arrived on August 22nd, 2017. On August 21st my contractions started at 5:30am and were 10 min apart, on that same day I had an appointment with my OB at 4:30pm and was told that I was already 4cm dialated, my husband &' I were super excited. After the Dr checked me he said that I was doing so good for a first time mom &' that my delivery was going to be fast and easy...well he spoke too soon. He told me to go home and relax and to go to the hospital only if my contractions were 2 min apart or if my water broke. Well they were still 10 min apart lasting about a min until 12am. At 12 my contractions were every 2 min lasting about 40 seconds to 1 min. I had to hold on to something every time a new one came. I took a hot bath, drank some tea and at like 1:30am my husband took me to the hospital. When the nurse checked me I was 7cm dialated and was surprised at how calm I was. They admitted me &' I was so exhausted from being up so early and uncomfortable. She recommended the epidural to relax and for me to be able to take a nap before I had to start pushing. I was against it, but I could just feel how exhausted I was, mentally and physically so I went for it. It was great I got to sleep for about 2 hrs finally with no pain then nurse comes again at about 3am and I was 8cm dialated, but baby was not making his way down &' to top it off the epidural did not work for me ๐Ÿ˜ž after two hrs I was able to feel every contraction even after pressing the button a million times. At about 4am the Dr came in and broke my water and gave me med (forgot medical term) to provoke stronger contractions hoping that it would help baby make his way down my cervix (still 8cm only) 6 hrs later still nothing. I began to get a fever which meant an infection and I was passing it to baby. Dr gave me one hour to try to dilate and deliver natural, but nothing. At about 11:45 they began to prep me for a C section for the safety of my baby &' he arrived to this work at 12:48pm. At 8lbs 14oz, 22in long. He was taken straight to the NICU where he spent 48hrs due to my infection &' where he received 4 doses of antibiotic. I was able to see him, but not hold him for 5 min only. ๐Ÿ’” I was devastated that I wasn't able to experience a natural birth and that instant skin to skin bond with my baby, but happy that he was recovering so well and so fast. I wasn't able to hold him until 2am!!! That's when I fell in love even more, nothing else matter at that point because when I looked at his little face and felt him on me I knew he knew I was his mommy. ๐Ÿ’™
Now @ 2 weeks 2 days. My big boy! ๐Ÿ˜