

For the past couple of nights, my sleep schedule's been super wompy. I've either been nocturnal or I sleep in small increments throughout the night. Yesterday/today I slept in until 2pm because I stayed up all night because I wasn't tired. Tonight I felt drowsy around 6:30 so I laid down and fell asleep while watching a movie and woke up around 9:00 and then seized the oppurtunity to possibly sleep normal and took my melatonin supplements and fell right back to sleep. I woke up thinking maybe it'd be 3/4am. Nope. 10:45pm. I feel rested, but I have to work tonight and the earliest I'll be able to go to bed is around 7/8:30ish which means I'll be awake for almost 24 hours. I'm going to try and take a nap before work since I don't go in until 4, but if I somehow can't, will I be okay to function throughout the day? I did take some more melatonin to try falling asleep again later on tonight if I can.