Anyone experience the same??

A month ago my husband and I went to see my doctor because we have been trying to have children since April of last year. I told my doctor I wasn't sure that I ovulated regularly because I never got a test positive on ovulation and the one time I did it wasn't Welshmen I should've ovulated, she blood tested me to check my levels and it came back that my fsh level was really high suggesting pre mature menopause(I'm 23) she wanted to re do the blood work to see if it was a fluke in blood work or not, the next set came back normal so she told me since It was normal that she would try giving me Clomid but she wasn't promising that I wasn't still in pre mature menopause but would re do blood work later. I started Clomid in late august and should have ovulated this week, I'm really hoping we have success from this but has anyone else had a simpler issue?