Period after morning after pill, but second period is late. WHY??


I had unprotected sex multiple times on the same night. So we would go at it but he would pull out to finish. We would cuddle for a while and talk and then go at it again but he wouldn't clean himself. So we were like that all night, we did not sleep because of how busy we were.

That same day I took a morning after pill. This was July 19th. After I took the pill we would have more unprotected sex for like 2 days straight but I did not take another MAP.

July 23rd is the day where I got my period. It was normal and lasted for 6 days. So it ended on July 28th. After that I have not gotten my period. I did not get my period for the month of August. It is now September and I still have not gotten my period.

I feel like being pregnant at this point is not a possibility. I am constantly eating a lot and I feel heavy. My breasts are sore. I am also constipated. Also, there are times when I eat and after I eat I feel disgusted.

Would this be because of the pill or what is going on?