Boyfriend/ baby daddy issues 😭

My so and I have been together for almost four years will be four years in December, we have a baby boy on the way!!! Long story short, my so knows that I don't want our child around my family very often due to them just begin alcoholics and it's full of drama and I really don't want him around that... well we are both adults and make our own choices since day one he knows I don't really like when he drinks but it's his choice!!! Well last night I was planning on going over to his house (we live separate just haven't taken the step to move in even though We basically live together as one of us is at one another's house most of the time anyways) I got off work at 9:30 and needed to run home to grab my pup, well he didn't really talk to me all day which is fine he works a job were he can't be on his phone anyways I had a gut feeling something was off and then I receive a text that says" I'm a fuck up im sorry I'm going to shower then in bed I go" I was already on my way to his house so I did not respond as we would discuss it sooner or later. I get there and he is asleep so I lay down with him and just let him sleep till it bothered me so much I just had to wake him up so we could talk because he didn't touch me and was turned away from me for the two hours I laid there with him( In thinking the worst at this point) .( usually he wakes up when I walk through the door even if he is in a dead sleep) ! I wake him up and ask him what he meant by his text... well he goes I had a little to much to drink... and my brother brought me home.... he goes I know how you hate when I drink will you just lay here with me... I responded with you need to eat as he skips dinner and sometimes lunch most days 🙄 ( drives me crazy) so I go to my truck and grab some ibuprofen and make him something to eat and stayed and made sure he wasn't puking and laid there all night with him and texted my boss as I was suppose to be at work by 5:30 and asked if I could come in early and my boss is super cool and said that it was fine !! This morning rolls around and he acts like nothing ever happened last night, I don't know whether to tell him that he can't be around our son if he is going to get wasted like that as I don't need to take care of him on top of a newborn... it really bothers me that he did that but he is an adult but he knows how I feel about the baby begin around that... I don't know what to do sorry that this post is long and confusing:/ feel free to ask questions as well