Too young for threesome?

Kelsey • idk what to put

Okay so my boyfriend and I are 16 and in high school. I told him today that I've always been curious to have a threesome with a girl and he said he'd ask a friend to hook us up, she said yes but I'm not sure how I'd feel about seeing him with another girl. What should I do? (please don't judge, genuinely need feedback) UPDATE: I didn't do it with my boyfriend, we broke up (for unrelated reasons) but I did do it with another mutual friend and her boyfriend. I actually had a really good time since their were no strings attached and she wasn't that close of a friend anyways? And btw, I had straight A's in all of my classes before, during, AND after pondering all of this, because I'm capable of planning for my future and not some slut who only wants to have threesomes. 😉