period a week after period ended, after protected intercourse


hi everyone,

this is really worrying to me and i'm honestly feeling so goddamned unsettled all the time because of it.

my last period ended on 31st August. i had protected sex on 5th September and i started bleeding again on 7th September and it hasn't fucking stopped (3rd day bleeding today).

it's not heavy enough to fill up a whole pad, and it appears dark brown on my pad (probably oxidised, that's why). but when i wipe after peeing, the blood is dark red/maroony and it's not opaque. i'm really fucking worried as u can tell from my swearing.

i've had blood tinged discharge in the past but i've never bled like this before so soon after my period has ended. i've no idea wtf is going on with my body, but i should also point out that i've had a very very stressful year and it's only going to get worse from here on, seeing as my thesis is due in 4 weeks and i've still got coursework on top of that. i've gone to the doctor and i'm being tested for STDs and urinal infection (?) and i really should be getting a pap smear done soon.

has anyone else experienced this? please tell me i'm not alone. i'm 22 and i don't want to die yet.