Breakups breaking me up


I'm thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend but I feel selfish and like I'm overreacting. We've been together for almost 3 years but it feels like a chore at this point. My boyfriend had just gotten a puppy and I was super excited about it but I'm still in school and in an apartment that doesn't allow animals on top of all of my extra curricular s. My boyfriend asked me to go to the doctors so I could apply for an emotional support animal for my anxiety so the dog could stay at my place. So I did that so they could both stay over sometimes. Well then my boyfriend got kicked out of his house (still lives with parents) and now I'm taking care of both of them.

I fee under appreciated, disrespected, used and down right annoyed half the time I see either of them. I end up taking care of the dog all day while he's at work (even though that means going back and forth from school to my apartment), I wait up all night for him to come back from work and then when he comes home, he could care less about me. It's pulling teeth just to get him to hold my hand while he's on his phone. I've brought up all of this with him and he promised he'd change and that we'd make a date night so we could just go out but that has yet to happen.

On top of all of that, he hates going out, he rarely wants to hang out with my friends and it's like I'm just expected to come back to him while he stays in my room watching th. Idk what to do, I've been thinking about this for some time