Period horror story...


This is my first period horror story and it's not that bad Bc in the end it was pretty much all good but at that time I was dying. I'm going to clear this for you now... there will be spelling mistakes Bc that's just how I type and I'm too lazy to fix them. I posted this on my spam account a few days ago so it's in the tense of that. Ik that doesn't make sense. It says today. Meaning a few days ago Also idk if you guys know what ap is but it's a college level highschool class. So enjoy! And leave your horror stories below!

GIRL BUSINESS ::: I started my semi unexpected period today. So my periods are never NEVER normal so like I can't track them. And I thought I was gonna start last week but I didn't. So then last night I was had a dream that all my friends bleed through so I was trying to save the with my jacket. So fast forward to to the am. I had period symptoms and I was gonna take some extra precautions but I totally forgot. So I went about my day. I have ap 5 th period and 2ed lunch. So I wen to lunch was offered to go to the bathroom but time was out so I said no . My dumb ass should have said yess. So then I went back I sit down a minute later I'm like omfg what was that. I just started my period kms. I knew he wasn't gonna let me go Bc 1. It's ap and we were taking notes 2. Bc lunch just got over. So I was trying to convince myself that I didn't just start. I was over thinking. Spoiler alert I wasn't overthinking. I did start. So like 20 minutes passed and I finally ask. Guess what he says... "no wait till we are done with notes" keep in mind notes take all class and I was wearing light jeans. So I keep on trying to convince myself that I didn't start. Bc I think I start all the time but I don't but this time I did. And i knew it. So I stayed as still as a could and when I want typing I was pulling my jeans away from my body so I wouldn't bleed through. I did this for an hour. Then we finished and I moved and then I knew I was definitely on my period and i he let me go to the. Bathroom with 1 minute of class left and this man had the balls to say "thank you for waiting" ik ik what your thinking. Why didn't you just tell him you needed to go. But I'm brooke and it took me 20 min. Just to ask him to go. And I needed the notes. So I wento the bathroom and yes if you couldn't tell I started. And I didn't bleed through you can barley tell. But I mean it's just has a pink undertone. Good thing I wore a flannel today (: