Getting by in today's hock up culture

So I meet this guy abit more then a month ago we've meet a few times we have had sex. I'm new to this since I just got out of a four year relationship. So this guy can disappear for a week or so before I hear from him then he text like we just talked five min ago. now if we just had sex and he would go I don't think i would care so much but we can talk for hours and he ask to spend the night. I just don't know what to do I'm scared I'm gonna start getting feelings from him. When he will not of course. Why is he acting like this if all you want is sex witch I'm fine with I'm not sure I want another relationship ,but why have all the extra talk and cuddling . And then after we do have a really nice night he can just vanish. Should I just cut this in the bud now