What should I do?


My mother is emotionally abusive. I was raped when I was 18 and impregnated. When I miscarried a month later I was terrified and finally told my parents. They blamed it on me, said they didn't believe me, that I probably just got pregnant on my own and then had an abortion and was now lying about it. Three years later now, they never spoke about it again, until they picked me up from college this spring after I failed basically all of you classes because I was struggling with severe anxiety and depression directly linked to their emotional abuse. My mother again was screaming at me for being a "pathological liar" and I asked her what I had lied about and she very mockingly said "I was raped mom!!" I just looked at her and decided that was it, I was done with her. My current boyfriend is amazing, we've been dating for a year and he is the most supportive man I've ever known. He is 25, a staff sergeant in the marine corps so he is totally stable financially. When I told him what happened and how I didn't feel safe living with her anymore he told me to come live with him. so I did. It broke my dads heart because he has always been really great, a majority of the abuse comes from my mom, I just couldn't live in a house with a woman who calls me a liar and mocks me for the most traumatic few weeks of my life.

Unfortunately, last month when it came time for me to go back to school, I was transferring to community college so I could pay for it myself, but I really couldn't and my boyfriend offered to pay for it but I told him no, my parents came to me with a deal that if I came home they'd pay for everything and we would actually work on my relationship with them. I agreed and said I'd move back in at the end of the weekend. The deadline to pay for classes was that coming Friday. On Wednesday I got a text from my parents saying that unless I moved in that night, they wouldn't pay a cent. They literally blackmailed me into moving back in with them and when I really pressed them as to why they were so insistent I come back right away my mom finally broke and said "because your father isn't comfortable with the idea of you having sex with a man."

I was like are you fucking kidding me?!?! You would hold my education and future hostage just to keep me, a 21 year old woman, from having sex with my long term, amazing boyfriend? If nothing horrible happens to our relationship I do intend to marry him after I graduate. He loves me and supports me more than they ever have but because of their religious beliefs, that's what they said it came from, it was worth my future and their relationship with me, to blackmail me into living with them to keep me from having sex with him.

I told them I don't have to live with him to have sex with him. Then they just turned it on me about how I'm breaking my fathers heart and my father said some shit about how we needed to fix our relationship before he put a bullet in his head. My mother actually tried to use my fathers mental health and make it my fault and my responsibility instead of trying to get him help. Saying shit about how she can't believe im not taking my fathers convictions into account when I make these decisions. I said hell no im not. Why is what he wants me to do with my body more important than what I want to do with my body?!

I'm in their house again and they're generally being nice to me but I know it's only a matter of time before I do something to make them mad and they go off on me again. I don't want to be here anymore but don't see a lot of other options. I'm in an unpaid internship that is critical to my career so I can't exactly save up any money to leave on my own. Advice?