I don't know how much longer I can do this...

I am manic bipolar, recently had to get off of medication because it put me through kidney failure. My husband and I argue a lot because obviously, having a mental illness, you tend to find little things bigger than life. And my husband just things that I waste my breath and I'm exaggerating. But I don't think anyone really understands how fucking trapped I feel my own head.... and it sucks BC never in my life have I met someone who just gets it. My husband sure as hell doesn't get it and no matter how much I try to explain to him, he says it's mind over matter and being bipolar isn't real.... just made up...

I'm a nurse so I know what this sickness can do to ppl.. and my husband just thinks I'm a over exaggerating neat freak that complains all the time, when really I'm just blurting something out BC it was the first thing to pop into my head.

I feel like a sound bonkers... I wish I just had someone to talk to that understood....