Has he got another girl or wife???

I met a guy online and he asked me to be his girl so we made it official, it's been 2 months already. But he's so busy that we hardly talk nor see each other. He just gives the usual good morning text and be silent during the day and at night replies if i text first.

We aren't even friends on social media he tells me his family will be asking crazy questions but we'll definitely be friends once we're serious (like how serious is serious?)

Lately he's been on endless business trips and i'm getting worried and it's killing me. When he's sick he refuses for me to visit him.

I don't know if i should confront him or not. I wanna do my own investigation but I dunno how, i worry if i get caught. Then what if he was right all along? Then i destroy his trust...BUT what if i'm right and not make a move to protect myself???
