So livid! 😡😡😡

Alexis • Mother of 3, two in our arms and one in heaven! Already had our rainbow! Pregnant with our last, and it’s a boy 👦

So today I had my first initial appt for the baby! Where I go, for my other two pregnancies the first appt is just to do urine sample to verify pregnancy and go over paperwork with a nurse and get your estimated DD and get your get blood drawn!

Well today was a different case, first I go over paperwork with the nurse, then I get sent to the HOSPITAL for blood draws and urine sample, when they listed off all stuff they were testing for not once was a "pregnancy test" listed! Right then and there I thought to myself, ok well it's a givin they should test for it right? I mean I did take a at home test but who else doesn't want the reassurance from the actual tests?!?

So I leave, and I just start thinking about it and second guessing myself not asking! So I call my OB Office and she puts me on hold and says she's gonna check to see if they included it in my blood tests! Sure enough she comes back and they didn't even order a test for a positive test?!? WTF?! I was so livid! So she apologizes, obviously it wasn't the receptionist fault, and she calls the hospital and orders it!

My thought was, how un-professional!!!

So I got the results back and I'm further along than what I thought I was, I thought I was only 9.4 and I'm like 12 weeks!!