Reassurance needed


I'm seeing a lot of similar posts on here about this but could still use some reassurance.

We just had our follow up ultrasound to our anatomy scan a few weeks ago because they couldn't get a clear picture of the profile or heart the last time. Today they were able to get a few more images, but they now need me to come back a 3rd time because they still can't get one picture of the heart they need. And this was after me literally jumping up and down to try to get baby to flip.

Has anyone else had to go back this many times before they got everything they needed? I was feeling fine about it but my husband is now worried that there is something wrong and they just aren't telling us. So weird to see him stressed like this, I'm usually the anxious one.

We have our regular OB check up tomorrow where he will talk us through the results of the first 2 u/s but would love to know if anyone else has experienced this and everything ended up okay.