Could this be a sign? or TCC hope 😵


I'm new to the TCC group as only came off my pill last month and have had nothing but periods since stopping (every 2 weeks!) anyway as each period goes, I hope that this will be when i can actually feel like I could just possibly become pregnant. anyway, as this AF comes to a close, I was messing around seeing when my due date may be IF I were lucky enough to become pregnant this cycle. And the due date would be my dad's birthday. I lost my dad 10 years ago to cancer, and miss him like crazy every single day. he's missed out in so many things in my life, and I've also missed out on having my dad 😢 I know it's crazy, and TCC can make most of us crazy, but how amazing would that be?? praying my body has finally settled down and I'm in with a chance of conceiving this month and having a due date of my dad's birthday.