Maybe pregnant?


So my husband told me he had an accident on the night of my birthday (Aug 25th)

We were finishing up having sex and he realized he didn't pull out on time.

Apparently saw stuff come out. Lol

Well, that was 2 days before my fertility week. So the day after my period ended.

I figure this was a safe day because it wasn't on the "green" days on the calendar, buuuuut I've been slightly nauseous, but that could easily be because of the drastic weather change (it had been in the high 90s low 100s here in southern Cali and I ride my motorcycle to and from work.) but then yesterday, my boobs started to feel sooooo sore and really hurt when they are touched and when they move around.

I start my period again on the 14th so it might be because of that?... even though I've never have this happen?... I'm already a mom, but I had my daughter as a teen so I don't remember exactly what symptoms I had... what are your options?

These next three days, waiting for a period to happen are going to kill me lol