First IVF


Hi everyone,

I'm currently in the dreaded tww of my first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle. It really has been a roller coaster and it has me pretty bummed out.

I'm 34, and my partner is 39. We have been ttc for 7+ years (I've stopped counting). PCOS and MFI. We have done many medicated cycles with clomid, femara, <a href="">IUI</a>, injectable etc....we did have a surprise natural pregnancy which unfortunately ended in a still birth at 24 weeks almost a year ago. So we have decided to go the <a href="">IVF</a> route.

The cycle started off ok, high AMH, high AFC, so they were worried about overstimming me so we planned to do a freeze all with PGS and FET. Needless to say, that never happened--- I was resistant to the meds and only ended up with 5 follicles at egg retrieval. 4 were mature, 4 fertilized with ICSI and all 4 made it to day 5.

We had one 2AAh blast, 2 cavitating morulas and a morula. We did a fresh transfer of the 2AAh (I'm assuming the h is for hatching as we had AH done on all). I will know today weather we have anything to freeze.

The RE seemed really happy with the results. Me, not so much....

Has anyone here had any success with a 2AA blast?

Sorry for the long post! Thanks.