Not NOT trying, but not trying (pull out method)

this past month i have felt very different. sounds like regular pms symptoms but not normal for me. i felt out of place and not in the mood at all for sex, (not like me, at all) nauseous, i threw up but that was only once and i still dont even know why, heartburn, moody, bloated, fatigued, peeing a bunch and sore nipples.. i never felt like i "felt pregnant" until this past month.. so i bought a test. but then I started bleeding? but i also started 2 days early when my period has been about 8 days late recently.. it was very light brown-ish blood at first (which i am usually very heavy from the start)and then just went on to seem like a normal period... i took the test on about the 3rd day and it came out negative. i am so confused. was it most likely all in my head? i dont know how to feel. i feel like I've been annoyingly trying to convince myself I can still possibly be pregnant.