What do I do :(

Deanna • Been with my man for 5 and a half years, married for 4 years. And now, after 4 years of trying, we are EXPECTING 👶🏼 due 25 April 2018 💙💜

I'm 29, my Husband is 43 and has a 14 year old daughter. We have just found out that we're expecting our first and only child together after 4 long years of trying. (Yay!)

I do not have a great relationship with his daughter. Believe me, I have tried. But her mother always runs me down around her daughter and it's really affected our ability to bond. My partner and I invited his daughter over for dinner last night and told her that we are expecting. She called me a whore and said that i do not deserve her Dad and the baby will never be her sibling.. I'm so upset by this and my husband is as well. He stood up for me and told his daughter she has no right to speak to anyone like that. What can I do to fix this? I'm at a loss. I've tried for 5 and half years to have a relationship with his daughter. I really don't want to to damage his relationship with his daughter either....I feel like if I stay, my husband will lose his daughter that he loves more than anything...is there anything I can do? I feel like the only way to stop my husband from losing his daughter is by leaving him 😢 I'm so upset.