My Dr Won't Tie My Tubes!


I am 38 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and I am 24 but doctors refuses to tie my tubes because she doesn't want me to regret it, which I am 150% I won't. My family is complete. She keeps trying to talk me into getting an IUD but I don't want anything I have to leave in me like that, I don't want to put my trust into one of those. I just want her to tie my tubes and be done with this situation, I prefer something permanent that doesn't involve me leaving anything inside of me. I am so confused. She has been my OBGYN for the last 6 years and I don't want a new doctor but I am feeling like that is my only option right now. Has anyone bern through a situation like this or have any helpful advice?

Update 9/16

So I just had my 3rd baby about 2 days ago and when I saw my doctor while I was in the hospital I asked if we can talk more about tying my tubes at my 6 week follow up? And she said "how about we sign the papers" 🤞🏽🙏🏽😲 I pray and cross my fingers that she is serious. But I guess I will be patiently waiting for 6 weeks to see. I am so tired of her giving me the run around about what to do with my body. I just hope that she finally gives in so I don't have to search everywhere for a new doctor. So we will see.

Also thanks everyone for your comments,I really appreciated all your advice & opinions.