Early GD, increasing insulin and cravings!

So, I was diagnosed with GD at 14 weeks pregnant which I feel was a set up. My A1c number from a blood test was 7.0 and the doctor said it was too high. They had me do the 3 hour test and fail at the 1 hour and 3 hour marks. I ate a bunch of junk food since 8 weeks to 14 weeks pregnant. I was able to control my number with diet and a little exercise up to 20 weeks. Then, my fasting numbers starting to rise. It went from 95, to 103 to 110 to 120. The doctor started me of with 6 units of long acting insulin which didn't work. My fasting went to 130 at 22 weeks pregnant. Then, they went to 12 units of long acting and 6 short acting after dinner which worked for like 2 weeks. Now at almost 26 weeks pregnant I'm at 28 unit of long acting and 8 units short after dinner! On top of that they want me to take 6 units after breakfast since my lunch is now rising from within 120 to random 170 on bad diet days. Anyone else had to keep increasing your insulin so early in your pregnancy? If so, how is your baby doing? Also, my sugar cravings are coming back again! What did you do to satisfy the sweet tooth?