Does my ex still want me?


So my ex broke up with me last week. He gave me all the reasons y and I later called him telling him I understood y he broke up etc. we had a good talk and he was super mad when I said one of his friends was being rude to me. He was very protective n said he would handle it. I called him 3days later n told him I miss him n love him he said the same back. He said he doesnt want a relationship rn. We just started college and he has a ton of hours and it's stressing him out. I was really controlling in the relationship so I just added on more stress. He said that we could be friends and still talk. I asked if he sees a future and he said he doesn't know and not anytime soon. I told him that us msging will help us practice the mistakes we made in the relationship like not having our own life's. I asked him I just needed to move on and he told me no that's not what I'm saying h s said I'm just really stressed and trying to make new friends and I'm always having to stay up late cuz of homework. When we got off the phone we both said we loved eachother. He had to go cuz he was gonna go hang out with some guys at the field for some throwing. Idk what this means. Pls give me any advice.