Anyone else have something annoying like this happen? πŸ˜‘


At 13 weeks I mentioned to my doctor that a lot of women on the app I use to track my pregnancy mentioned a blood test at 10 weeks to check for disabilities, so I just told her I'm not asking for any unnecessary tests but is that something you recommend? Like do I have any reason to do that? And she kind of grilled me about how I shouldn't believe everything I read on the internet... like I'm not just some fucking millennial that googles all of my problems and believes web md when it says I have cancer. I'm simply saying I heard of this test, is that something you'd recommend I look into? I was asking for her medical opinion and got treated like a dumb ass. Has anyone else been talked down to in a way or treated like an idiot by a doctor simply because of age or the fact that you're not a doctor? Like I get I didn't go to med school but I'm not stupid.