Am I in the right place?

Queen • ❤️Happily married Mom of 5. Ttc after tubal reversal surgery ❤️

Hi everyone I'm new to the group and looked through some of the posts and it seems that almost every post has to do with <a href="">IVF</a> so I'm not sure if my situation is categorized as assisted fertility. Let me explain...

I have 5 children (4 girls and 1 boy)they were all conceived naturally without even trying. My oldest is almost 19, my youngest is almost 9. I had my tubes tied after my youngest. A couple of years ago, my husband and I decided that we wanted a baby. We originally wanted to do tubal reversal surgery but were talked into trying <a href="">IVF</a> by a fertility specialist. So we did <a href="">IVF</a>, got pregnant and miscarried last October. It was expensive ($30k), very time consuming and the medications were overwhelming for me. The whole experience left me feeling raped financially and emotionally. Spending another $30k was out of the question. So we decided to go back to our original plan- tubal reversal surgery. Before having <a href="">IVF</a> I had done some research on tubal reversal surgery, but I began really researching after <a href="">IVF</a>. I had my tubal reversal June 23rd 2017 and was instructed to wait at least 8 weeks before ttc. Scar tissue around the Fallopian tubes or tubes getting blocked after tubal reversal is a concern for women who have had the surgery. I began taking Serrapeptase after surgery. My surgeon advised me to have an HSG (X-ray & dye test to check if Fallopian tubes are open) after ttc for 6 months. So that's my journey. Is this the correct group?