
Okay so I have been friends with this guy for a little over a year. We started talking to date but it never went anywhere. We ended up just have sex every now and then. I haven't heard from him in a while and out of the blue he texted me asking to come over. He mentioned he had a girl friend and I told him I don't want to sleep with him if he had a girl friend. Well he talked me into doing it anyway. So he came over and we had sex with a condom at first then he took it off, to my knowledge at first, and decided he was going to just pull out. He ended up getting a a small amount of sperm in me. I rushed to the bathroom and tried to squeeze it out and get it out best I could, knowing it was too late. I was 3 days away from Ovulation then. I'm now 4 dpo. He doesn't want a kid because he doesn't want to hurt his gf but it took 2 not 1. I'm not on bc and I didn't take the plan B pill. Just waiting patiently. Any advice if I do end up pregnant?