Birth Story Time


Wanted to share my birth story. It was a little stressful!

So on my due date, August 30th, I had an OB appt. I went in, was dilated 2-3cm, (hadn't been dilated at all up until then), and my dr did a membrane sweep. She told me she didn't give me 24 hours and I'd be in labor/having my daughter. So after my appt, my hubby and I went to the mall to walk around in hopes of getting some contractions going. I had some light cramping but nothing major. So we went to church that night and my father in law suggested we walk after church, so we did, for an hour. My contractions started and they were 2-6 mins apart lasting 1 min. After that, hubby and I went home and got showers and decided we would go to the hospital. We got there about 10ish. They examined me, took my vitals, etc. They put monitors on me and couldn't get any contractions regularly so they had me go walk around the hospital. After that, my contractions started and they admitted me. They put me on some pain meds and I didn't feel any contractions until the pain meds wore off in the morning. I got my epidural at 9:45am and they broke my water shortly after. By the time it was time to start pushing, my epidural had wore off and I was in so much pain. I was vomiting and crying and I just didn't think I could do it anymore. 58 mins into pushing, my baby girl was born at 6:41pm at 8lb 6oz. After delivery, about 3 hours later, I had a postpartum hemorrhage which I swear was the scariest moment of my life. I passed out twice and thought I was seriously going to die. My hemoglobin was 7.4 (.4 above the level they do blood transfusions at). We were released two days later to come home and our beautiful baby girl was perfect. Then two days later, I passed a blood clot the size of a softball. Was taken to hospital via ambulance and was told at my local hospital I would need a d&c.; I was terrified. I was then transferred to the hospital I delivered at and was told by my doctor it was normal and I was fine. I was sent home and have been great ever since. So blessed to have a healthy baby girl and to be healthy myself. ❤️❤️❤️