Early symptoms??

I got off birth control the beginning of last month after being on it for 2 years. My body bounced back to normal really quickly. I got my period the week I was supposed to (as if I was never on bc) with every singe one of my regular AF symptoms.

After it was over I spotted on and off (only when I wiped) for a week which is also something I experienced before I got on bc.

I ovulated the 9th/10th and we BD.

After that I stopped thinking about the TWW and focused on other things until I got sore boobs. On the 12th is when my boobs started to hurt! They were so sore!! The left one was more sore, but then my right nipple started to hurt for a little while. Anyways they have been mildly sore since.

But what's super weird is I have never had sore boobs unless I would workout really hard (and I did not).

A few days after I got sore boobs I started getting nauseous at random times which I pretended wasn't happening because I don't want to get my hopes up.

Then today I got a metallic taste in my mouth all day! I would only get these when I helped my hubby work on cars so this was odd and I've felt sick all day (not a "cold" sick).

This morning I felt slight almost unnoticed cramping. Just now i wiped light brown cm with a hint of pink...

my period isn't due for a week. Today is 8DPO and I KNOW when I'm about to start my period (bad cramps, super constipated, craving sweets) so I know this isn't my period starting early. I've been trying not to get hopeful but was wondering if anyone had these symptoms before their BFP?