Subchorionic hematoma and bleeding


I have a history of early miscarriages. I had 5 consecutive losses since August 2016 and today I'm 9+3. I had a scan at 6 weeks and 8 weeks and baby was good and both scans showed a good strong heartbeat but at my 8 week scan they pointed out that I had a small subchorionic hematoma but it was far away from the baby and she said it may just be reabsorbed by the body but that there was also a chance I could get brown bleeding from it. Well 2 days ago (9+1) I was at work when I felt a gush. I knew right away I was bleeding and when I went to the toilet it was bright red. I panicked and thought I was miscarrying again. But after that first gush it quickly turned brown and then stopped. I haven't had any bleeding since. That was Saturday night at 6pm and it's now Monday morning and still no more bleeding. I'm holding onto a slight bit of hope that it was the hematoma and hoping and praying that it's not the start of yet another miscarriage. I'm in the UK and my early pregnancy assessment unit had already booked me in for a scan on Friday when I will be 10 weeks but I need to phone today to see if they will bring the scan forward for me. I spoke to a midwife in the hospital yesterday who said they might just tell me to wait until Friday as I haven't had anymore bleeding but I'm so anxious because of my previous losses. Has anyone else had this with a good outcome?