Helping a friend

BabyBlu🐼 • Mom of Irish twins

I recently reconnected with an old friend about a week ago and yesterday his daughter was born sleeping at 38w. He we had been messeging back and forth because we live in different states and then he went silent for a while, when he finally txt me back, he explained that his daughter had passed away. I offered what comfort i could and even asked if he wanted his space because i know people deal with things differently. He said no and that it helps to talk about what happened and about his daughter but he isnt really volunteering any info. He answers any questions i ask but i dont know if he is just being polite and doesnt want to tell me to go away outright or if he really wants to talk about her. I have never experienced this so im not sure how to go about it. I was hoping that some of you ladies who have had to deal with this could kind of guide me a bit. Is there any questions that i should absolutely stay away from? Anything i should ask or say? I just dont know how to keep the conversation going but i also feel bad just dropping the conversation. Ive told him that im here to listen and he will tell me a few things but i dont know where to go from there. Do i keep asking questions? I feel very bad because we used to be very close but its been a few years since we last spoke and now this happenes and i just dont know what to do for him.

Thanks for any advise!