From 245 to 115lbs


It's been quite the journey but well worth it!


Since everyone keeps asking me how I did it here it goes....

Sugar is your worst enemy our bodies are completely addicted to it! Pretty much everything we consume on a daily contains sugar. I didn't realize how addicted I was to sugar until I attempted to stop. And boy did I fail miserably at first! But once I was able to overcome that addiction the weight just melted off I couldn't even believe it. Cut out things like yogurts, milk, juices etc I know everyone is like but yogurt is healthy it's not! It has an insane amount of sugars and so does milk. Replace milk with coconut milk or almond milk if you need milk! Eat lots of fruits yes they contain sugar but it's natural simple sugars that your body can easily process plus it helps with the "sweet tooth" I also eliminated all CARBS! No bread not even " wheat" they lie when they say wheat is healthier for you it's all B.S! No pastas, potatoes etc you catch my drift. Stay away from anything "Diet" or "Light" it's another way to get you! Replace unhealthy foods with things like quinoa, beans, veggies lean meats, nuts etc Find good recipes that you enjoy because if you get tired of eating "salads" you will cave! Then I did the big one I only ate between 12pm and 6pm! They say never skip breakfast it's the most important meal of the day blah blah blah B.S my metabolism sky rocketed because I only ate when I was most active. At first it was torture but my body loved it so that kept me motivated! No such thing as a cheat day! You can have a cheat "snack" because we aren't perfect and it will happen but don't get carried away it just makes you loose track. Like I said before our brains are literally addicted and it's like putting an alcoholic in a bar and asking him to just have one drink, not gonna happen lol I hardly ever went to the gym I simply didn't have the time which I sort of regret because of the excess skin it's not terrible for the amount of weight I loss but that can easily be taken care of 😉 Omg another huge one..portion control eating 5 or 6 small meals a day is essential! DO NOT just have 3 big meals in those 7 hours. It will feel like you're eating all day but snack away on the good stuff in between meals trust me you will never feel hungry! When you get " hungry" you tend to overeat! And lastly WATER is your best friend!!!!! Hope this helps! I would love to see pictures of your progress if you follow my changes! My husband did it as well and lost almost 40lbs in 6 months I sort of hated him a little because he literally melted away before my eyes when it took me over 3 years almost 4 years to loose mine lol but I'm super proud of him as well! Good luck on your weight loss journey! You all can ask me any questions you may have! And I have actually gone Vegan now best decision I've ever made it has helped me maintain my weight loss and I feel amazing!