polycystic ovary syndrome advice


hi, I'm new to all of this. my husband and I barely started planning to have a baby in August and we are officially going to ttc in October. I went in to get a full check up since I don't really get periods since I got off from bc almost 2 years ago and go diagnosed with pcos. I started a diet to try to lose weight to see if that will help start my periods again. but I was told it will take time even if I lose the weight and the whole thing has me a bit emotional. my husband tries to make me feel better but I keep asking what if I can't conceive. I'm just 25 years old and when you think of a 25 year old you think of a fertile woman in her prime. And I see so many women all sizes having kids with no issues and I seem to be the only one with an obstacle. I keep to my diet, exercise and pray every night for the Lord to allow me to conceive. but I'm scared and really emotional. if any of you have gone through pcos, how did you get through the emotional aspect of it?