Rude Pharmacy


So it was at the end of my birth control, and I didn't have a refill. So the pharmacy was supposed to call the office for me. They did, but it was to late. My mom got upset and said I need it, which hello it regulates my cycle, and what if I want to have sex(hahaha not gonna happen though but). The bam said, well she should have a doctor down here. I go to another town or whatever you call it to go to my doctor, which is a private clinic my mom wanted me to go too. I didn't want any quacky doctor from where I live on the bayou(Louisiana) to get all up in my vajayjay business. I wanted someone better. So I went to a doctor up in Thibodaux. Uhggg I can't believe that man said that. I needed it for Sunday to take my Sunday pill. I have taken it since Saturday. I called my obgyn office myself yesterday to get the medicine. Since I'm a Sunday starter, I can't start till Sunday? I'm not sure I'm going to have to do some asking.

Ps. If anyone reads this sorry for the spelling errors. And I just added the pic bc it's really punny😂