Am I wrong?

So, I've been dating this guy for about a year now, and we've had a really healthy, happy relationship. We're both sophomores in college, at the same school but we live on opposite sides of the country. We spent the whole summer apart and now he's studying abroad until January. I have been making lots of friends while he's been away, some guys and some girls. There's one guy that I have been getting really close with, you could say he's becoming one of my best friends. My boyfriend knows this person and has hung out with him a couple times last year but he doesn't think he has good character. Last night, at 12:30 am, my guy friend texts me asking which pants to wear with a suit for a function with a club he's in, and I answered. I told my boyfriend that it was a little weird that he had asked me this because I didn't know we were that close exactly, but I didn't find it weird enough not to answer. My boyfriend gets pissed that another guy is texting me asking what he should wear, but he knows the guy... I thought it would be understandable for him to be pissed if I was the one sending the pictures of what to wear, but it was my guy friend, not me. My friend also asked me to go with him today to find shoes and a belt for his outfit. My boyfriend said that I disrespected him by answering this guy, and that I never listen to him when it comes to which guys are good for me and which guys are not. I told him to stop being possessive and he said that he doesn't want me to be mistreated ( I was in a horribly verbally abusive relationship before this one and I had guy friends in high school that were beyond terrible to me), so it makes sense that he would want that. But I feel like he's only mad about this because he's not here and we've been doing long distance for about 6 months now and I feel that he's just overreacting because he wants to be here with me and gets jealous of my guy friends. Am I wrong?? I don't know what to do.