calling all preterm, c-section mommas!


I want to hear your stories!

my first child was stillborn vaginally breech at 28 weeks. currently 34 weeks pregnant with a little boy and I have 2 blood clotting disorders, diabetes, a prematurely aging placenta, and this week my proteins in my urine have become elevated so we are seeing the first signs of preeclampsia and to top it off our amniotic fluid is a little on the low side... while no one thing is extremely drastic or totally out of control, when they are all compiled together it's a recipe for disaster....

my doctor admitted me yesterday and started a round of steroid injection.. he did another 24 hour protein test and I'm waiting on results, he stated if the levels are still elevated then we will go ahead and deliver. If they have decreased he will just keep me hospitalized for the next week and deliver at 35 weeks if we can make it that far... my baby boy is breech so he said there is a high likelihood that we will just do a c-section when its time to deliver.... of course I'm worried about a major abdominal surgery with my genetic clotting issues and just the general risk all together.... but I'm more concerned about my son.... I was ok until the nurse I had today got all skeptical and literally said "little white boys usually don't do very well at 34 weeks, you better hope those protiens have gone down".... really lady? way to stress out a patient... so now I'm panicking because this hospital dosent have a NICU. if he needs a ventilator or any other major assistance then he will be transferred to Kosairs hospital about 20 minutes away.... I worry about him needing more than this hospital can provide and the time it will take to transport him somewhere that can help him...... and the fact that I won't be able to go with him after a c-section.....

any other momma's had a similar experience? I want to hear your stories, the good, bad and everything in between. please help!

*** edit: I cant be transfered to the other hospital. number one its a childrens only hospital, they don't deliver babies there. number 2. it is connected to another hospital via a skywalk where I could have delivered but my doctor does not have treatment rights there are this time. their insurance to practice there was under negotiations and some part of that process has been delayed, its out of his control and until the delay is cleared he can't deliver me there..... number 3, I can't switch Drs now... we have a very long and complicated back story that I won't get into here but just know that there is NO WAY I would be able to trust any other Dr to deliver my baby! we have been through absolute hell medically for the last 7 years and i have never had another Dr earn my respect, trust and love like this one has. he has taken everything seriously from day 1 and texts me throughout the day to stay in touch and updated. I don't want anyone else, they cant possibly get it at this point in the game.