Girls, I need advice honestly


Okay so basically I was with my now ex fiancé. He broke up with me and said we needed to change and focus on ourselves before we could be together. He said he needs space and whatnot. Now me being me I blew up his phone for the good first week we broke up. I was so upset and hurt. He promised he'd never leave then he would give me different answers. He said he doesn't know if we will, he said maybe, he said we need to change. Then we had sex. The next day after we had sex he tells me he doesn't want to be with me and that he doesn't see a future with me. I was heartbroken all over again. Before that he'd see me and help me and he'd kiss me and give me all this false hope. I was heartbroken. Then he's back to he doesn't know but that he's moving on and talking to other girls and that I need to move on. This is a month post break up. I'm slowly moving on and then we come up with this thing to just have sex. It continues for about two weeks and then he calls it off. He says he's talking to someone and it's getting serious. Whatever okay. Then he goes off on me because of a post I made on Facebook even though he's not friends with me on Facebook. He said really mean things and blocked me. A week later he messages me about the kittens then he starts sending me dirty messages about having sex and finishing inside me. Then he stops and says no it's wrong. But the next day he asked if we could have sex, I say yes. He comes over and he looks like he's been crying. We have sex and he's caressing my cheek, my hair, looking at me, being gentle. It was confusing. About two days later I message him about the kittens because we have kittens together but he has them, and it turns into us talking about sex. He tells me it can't continue and that he's been sleeping with other girls. He wasn't using condoms with me and I thought I was the only person he was sleeping with so I saw no need considering we were virgins when we got together. He says I should get tested so I made an appointment to get tested and im so mad. I blocked him and haven't talked to him since. It's been a few days and I'm getting better but im still so mad. What is his deal? This is all in the span of two months. From end of July to now. Can someone explain what's been going on in his head throughout all this? Why he fucked me over, messed with my feelings, and used me. Then tells me he's gone crazy and I need to get tested. Girls please help me.