Thank goodness for modern medicine (LONG)

N • Beautiful Nikolai born 12/29/17 👶💙 Lucca born 1/13/21🌻 In love and feeling myself 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

At around 20 weeks, I noticed something was wrong with my leg. It was heavy, sore, and getting more swollen by the day.

Words like "Pelvic Girdle Pain" and "Sciatic Nerve Pain" were tossed around but the scariest one was "Blood Clot (DVT). My midwife looked me over and said that it looks alright despite the swelling and I'm not showing any signs of a clot. She sent me to get an ultrasound of my leg just in case and it came back just fine, I was relieved. My pain went from a 4/10 to an 8/10 one day and I was convinced I'd torn a groin muscle going up the stairs.

I couldn't really walk and dealt with it for about a week (I'd been in pain two weeks at this point) because they said it was nothing. I was hoping a chiropractor could fix me. One Saturday, I had enough. It wasn't getting better despite everything I'd tried and I was miserable. I went to the ER and once again, they said "it's probably just normal pregnancy pain". But they sent me to get an ultrasound of my leg anyway. I mean, at least it wasn't a blood clot. I think because I wasn't bawling in pain, they assumed I was fine. The lady came in to ultrasound my leg and I was very content talking to her. I could see the screen and her face and nothing seemed wrong. She left and withing ten minutes, the doctor came in. "Well, you have a pretty severe blood clot. It runs from your groin to your knee." The heart moniter behind me started going off because I had a small panic attack right there. They rushed me to labor and delivery where I was promptly shoved into compression socks, propped up, and was told I'd be admitted for one night at the least. They gave me my first shot of Lovenox and showed me how to give myself a shot because I'd be doing it for the next 6 months every twelve hours. I was shaken and tired and very upset having never slept in a hospital before. I could hardly sleep and woke up constantly having a panic attack. The nurses were so sweet and I was happily discharged the next day. After the initial terror of everything, I have gotten used to the shots and appreciate them. My pain is almost nil now with just a little aching and discomfort with overuse.

The swelling has gone down so much and I'm able to actually walk on my leg which is wonderful. It's been a little more than a week that I've been on Lovenox and I am so grateful for it. I wear compression socks daily and give myself shots but that is a very fair trade off for being alive and well. Just remember that if you feel like something is wrong despite the tests, keep bringing it up. Don't doubt yourself. Being in pain isn't something you should get used to. And thank goodness that modern medicine has come so far because I would be miserable without it. It's one more challenge I've overcome with this pregnancy and it's proof that I can get through anything to meet my lil guy.