Low Progesterone...😢

Anna • Two 😇😇, one beautiful little boy who is my ☉🌚🌟🌏. Trying for our next 🤞.

So, not to my surprise, the doctor confirmed that I have low progesterone levels... like really low, 1/3 of what is considered normal. So I'm lightly devastated because that means I'm not ovulating and here I am day...47 of my cycle still no AF. I'll start progesterone supplements as soon as Af gets here but until then I need to go from 167 lbs to like 130 lbs. Doc also thinks that I have PCOS. Again, not a surprise because it runs in the family. So heres to the next year or more 🥂 of trying to have a baby. 😧 Also, side note, check out those wicked evap lines on previous posts. They definitely have color.