Job offer( please give me advices )


So I graduated with BS degree of healthcare administration and I got a job offer to work with sales in an insurance broker company , and am kinda confused whether I should go for it or not

There is a 3 months training

But the thing is I never imagined myself in marketing

Even though I liked marketing in college and I wanted to minor in it 😂 lol but after graduating I though I might just work in administrative positions

Am kinda excited and afraid at the same time

And my colleagues aren't that excited about me haha they're kinda afraid of me I don't know why maybe cause I studied in the US (am from Saudi Arabia) and I speak proper English and am also majored in healthcare administration

Most of the people in the company have a BS degree in something not related to the job but they're more experienced than me

Plus I don't like working in an environment where people don't like me 😩😩😩😩

P.s that's my first job ever

Please give me advices 🙏🙏🙏