Can you elect to induce labor at 33 weeks?

October Momma • 22 year old happily married mother of boy girl twins, Emma and Alden, born 10/11/17😊

I'm 33 weeks 3 days and just found out that the rhogam injection didn't work and my body is making antibodies to fight off the babies blood so I could end up losing one or both of my babies if they cant keep my levels where they are now. This means monitoring once a week to make sure the antibodies don't make it to the baby and blood work to check to make sure my levels stay the same. If there is even the slightest chance of stillbirth or anything that could threaten either baby, I would rather induce so I know they'll both make it instead of holding off and hoping things stay good until I reach full term. I won't be able to talk to the doctor about this until tomorrow morning.

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