Moms I need some advice

So I just got my cna license this month !!

And I been applying online and a place in town called me to fill out an application and I did and they called me back for an interview now I just got a call saying can I come back for another interview. Most likely they will hire me

All thought during the interview I found out the hours I would be working are from 2pm-10pm

And that time doesn't work for me I have a 1 1/2 old daughter and I wouldn't have anyone to watch her from 2-10 pm my mom goes to work full time at 4-10pm and my fiancé works from 8-5pm and Has night school from 5:30-11pm I know I need to get a job asap !!! But those hours don't work for me also I wanted a job in the same town my mother in law lives in that way she can watch our daughter and I was thinking about moving in to her house because at mine we wouldn't have anyone to watch our daughter and if we moved into my mother in laws she's available 24 hours so my question is should I try and take the 2-10 job and figure something out ?? Or should I keep applying places and see what else is out there ? I need advice ladies plz 🤧😭 thx btw if I told my mother we are going move into my mother in laws house she would be so mad!! But its something I would have to do because my mother in law is available to watch our daughter 24 hr my mom isn't available 24hr she works full time as a manager so most of her time is spent working . Btw I'm 22 so my mom doesn't really have a say what I do but I know she'll be mad at the whole idea of this ..