sil baby news

so I've been married 8 yrs and have 2 beautiful boys. I wouldn't trade it for anything. after my second my husband and i (very regretfully) decide to have my tubes tide. I want/wanted more kids he didn't, because the 2 are 18 months apart. I love my boys but I've always wanted a girl. his sister always grew up to the thought she didn't want to get married or have children. Well long be hold she got married and then got pregnant like a couple months later. ends up she has a girl. I love my niece to death, but her parents rub it in my face that they have a girl. last yea r my sil got pregnant in Dec and lost the baby in Feb. really sad I feel for her. yesterday she found out she's pregnant again. I happy for her but sad and jealous and ect. her husband has epilepsy and stays home with their daughter. she works 2 jobs. I don't know how she expects this to work? UPDATE* oh yea we live together and yes I help feed and clothe their current child. I also help when I can to watch their child. I was also there when she was told about the miscarriage. when I said I don't know how she expects it to work is because her husband has trouble with the first one because of his epilepsy and she's gone 12-15 hours a day. I'm happy she's having a baby, sad because I don't want her to lose this one,and jealous because she rubs it in my face she has a girl and i don't. maybe read the whole post be for you jump to conclusion. *update #2* so she had a scare thinking she was having another mc but found out she's 6wks 5days with strong heartbeat. hopefully this is a rainbow baby for sure.