Foul odor down there

So.... I've dealt with foul odor down there since I was 15. I am now 21. I had a doctor who diagnosed me with bacterial vaginosis. And I was probably prescribed the same medication for about ten times. I went to a different doctor and he said I didn't have BV but did have a yeast infection. So I was prescribed medication for that. But all my systems would come back after a week or two. And it would get worse when I would have sex. I switched doctors ONCE AGAIN. And here I am, no Bacterial Vaginosis but I have all the symptoms on it. When I first noticed symptoms my vagina would swell up pretty bad and would itch horribly. That stopped completely when I was about 17 years old. Ever since I've only had a foul smell along with discharge. I got pregnant and all symptoms went away. I didn't see anything for 9 months straight, nothing at all. 5 months post partum, and there I was again, with the same symptoms all over again. Went to the doctor and had a UTI. Cleared it but symptoms came back again. So I'm going to the doctor again tomorrow but I'm tired of not being diagnosed with anything it finding a cure. I'm so over this. It has ruined my sex life. I don't feel confident. I don't even feel confident when I'm out because as soon as I have a bit of discharge it's a horrible smell. Like I'm dying in the inside. It's disgusting and I don't know what to do. What could I possibly have?