Gestational Diabetes

Maria • Engaged💍 first time mommy👶🏼 due on December💞

I NEED SOME ADVICE PLEASE LADIES❤️I have GD I'm 27 weeks . My numbers have been really good ! My last recent appointment I had with my OB he told me it was okay to eat a little of my cravings so once In a while I cheat on meals and I only take a little bit of ice cream or a little bit of chocolate. I know it sounds bad but he said as long as I'm not over doing it . My numbers come out fine because I go on long walks with my fiancé . I'm not sure if this is okay on everyone. Lately at nights I get super hungry my stomach really hurts ! And I don't want to eat late at night because I know I won't be able to exercise to keep those numbers low ! So I eat carrots or some brócoli but my stomach still feels super empty and it hurts, I drink a lot of water but it still doesn't help. I got a healthy cereal and eat it with 2% milk and my sugars get super high at nights ! But It helps me feel full ! Any recommendations in what I can do to help me not be so hungry at nights or what to eat ? Does anyone know why cereal is so bad even if it's consider a healthy cereal? The first 4 months I lost a lot of weight in my pregnancy all I would do is throw up and wasn't able to eat or drink anything. I'm just wondering if maybe that's why I have such an intense hunger now? Please you're advice will help me a lot . I been feeling very upset because I don't know how to control this.