Breastfeeding nonstop

Jasmine • Mommy to two (one on the way 8/11/19)💕 YouTube 🎥 21 Years Old 🌸

The last two days my 19 day old baby will not stop eating. He’ll eat from my breast for hours. At one point during the night it was four hours and less than an hour before that it was two hours. I’ll feed him that long and then somehow when I put him down for bed he’ll want more right away. If I don’t feed him he’ll grunt and squirm and eventually cry and the only thing that’ll calm him down is the boob. I just really want to get some sleep. This is Night 2 of it and horrified since it’s 6:30 in the morning and he still won’t sleep that tonight will be like this too and I don’t think I can do another night like this. Can I make it stop? and I know he’s most likely comfort feeding and that’s good for my supply but I honestly don’t think it is because I’m overproducing milk and I’m pretty sure him literally being on my boob for 12 hours two days in a row is helping that problem. I’ve tried a pacifier but he spits it out after five minutes so I can’t get any sleep that way either.