Decisions, decisions an Accountant (Business Major)💜or Math Teacher (Education Major)🎀?! 😩

Ali • Melanin Woman & Wife ✨

I’m a freshman. My Major now is Accountant it’s been like that since the end of my Senior year of high school. I researched on the future need of an accountant, calculated how much they get paid, and how much of a stability the job itself is. I like it but I have read over and over it can get pretty darn boring not saying it would be for me because I love the numbers. The pay is great but you always have to change with technology and all the advancements that come along. Now a math teacher always been something intriguing I loved math all my life (obviously ☺️) I thought about being a teacher it’s always a need for a math teacher. Kids are really sweet and just to be surrounded by the many personalities is quite wonderful. I don’t care about the pay for either JOBS. I felt like teaching would give me that feeling that helping mold future leaders, and everyone else with any sort of dream is better. So cons of both jobs: Accountant it’s constantly changing job cool but I’m not with changing within a job setting could make or break my career 😳. Teaching students can be difficult even rude so that’s the things with kids I wanna make sure every student is safe. So with that being said I just want your advice which one you would choose? And why! ☺️❤️

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