Super Frustrated! Please Help!


So I had my IUD (Mirena) removed on Sept 5... had bleeding (light bleeding) Sept 8,9,10&11 (10th and 11th were just spotting)... I've been using ovulation tests since the 13th and am not getting a positive?! This app was originally showing Ovulation on 22nd... but keeps pushing it back bc I'm not getting pos ovulation test...

I was super close to pos ovulation test last couple of days (Sept 24th & 25th) and then today (afternoon of Sept 25th) I started bleeding again?! 😫 Maybe the bleeding on Sept 8- 11 wasn't period... maybe this is finally my first normal period since getting IUD removed and that's why I wasn't getting pos ovulation tests?!

Would your period give something close to pos ovulation test? Bc of hormone? Does anyone have any insight on this?! Please! 💜