Toddler sleep... help!!


My daughter will be 2 in February.

She will not go to bed at night without a bottle... Almost every night she wakes up crying and also needs a bottle to fall back asleep. She won’t take a binky or a sippy. When she goes to bed we give her a full bottle but in the middle of the night we give her like 2 ounces. I want to get her off the bottle all together at night time and use a sippy or just nothing at all.. I just can’t find a good sippy for it. Still what can I do in the middle of the night when she wakes up crying? Do I make her go back to sleep with no liquids at all? Or do I continue giving her liquids when she wakes up? She will not take water it has to be milk also I want to add, we have breakfast lunch, then naptime and she does amazing with naptime then we have a snack and dinner every night around 7. Then bath time and bedtime by 8-8:30. So she is full bc she eats plenty. Idk what to do.